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How To Sponsor: Event Sponsor

How To Sponsor: Event Sponsor

How To Sponsor: Event Sponsor

How To Sponsor: Event Sponsor


WHAT: The Tampa Bay Beaches Chamber of Commerce has two types of monthly events: Evening Mixers and Learn @ Lunches. For these events members gather to network, to socialize with different businesses and/or to learn about a specific topic. A great way for business to get in front of a variety of different members is to be an Event Sponsor. As an event sponsor you get your table at the event to hand out information and speak to members. 


UTILIZING THE SPONSORSHIP: To be a successful event sponsors use the following principles:

  • Have 1-2 staff members attend to represent the business
  • Bring any printed materials or promotional collateral for your business
  • Have businesses cards that you can give out to members for more information
  • Be ready to pitch your business or any ongoing events and promotions in your 5 minute speech to the group

THE VALUE: Being an event sponsor allows you an opportunity to show off your business to a variety of different members. You can get your business in front of other members without having to take them to your physical location. As an event sponsor you are promoted in e-Newsletters and the website event page. Event sponsors also have an opportunity at the event to address the group and inform them of any upcoming events, specials or business updates. This sponsorship opportunity is a great way to introduce different groups of people to your business.


HOW: To become an event sponsor contact or call us at 727-360-6957